Organic Valley
Organic Valley is a pioneer of the organic food movement in the United States. They helped to write the standards for organic farming, and have always worked to go above and beyond the official regulations for organic agriculture. They believe that sustainability central to being an "organic" farm, including environmental and economic sustainability. They're dedicated to preserving a way of life that values both the land and the creatures—two-legged and four-legged—that live upon it.
In addition to environmental sustainability, Organic Valley is committed to building a sustainable community. They work as a cooperative, and their farmers call the shots. Their business model was designed from the ground up to work for family farmers—corporate agriculture just wasn’t the way to go. So they started working together, pooling products, and sharing in the profits. Their board of directors is all farmers, and every Organic Valley farmer earns a fair living. That's Organic Valley: always searching for new ways to improve on time-honored methods, to raise the bar on sustainability and ethical agriculture, and proud of it.