Sweet Laurel

Sweet Laurel

Los Angeles, CA

When founder Lauren Gallucci was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder, she had to adhere to a strict elimination diet. Having baked goods ever since she could remember for friends, families, and community events, she initially struggled with this new change. However, she decided to bake using ingredients that she could eat and enjoy. Finally sharing her grain-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free recipes with friends and family, everyone was struck by how delicious and wholesome her baked goods were. Her test kitchen eventually became Sweet Laurel Bakery, where she has partnered with photographer, cook, and writer of The Kitchy Kitchen Claire Thomas. Together, they have created a company and brand that is founded on a shared passion for cooking, LA history, blush colored roses, and the fundamental belief that food should be prepared simple and with the best ingredients. 

1 Product

Baking Ingredients

Grain Free Chocolate Cake Mix
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Gluten-Free & Paleo Baking

Grain Free Chocolate Cake Mix
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