Stubb's traces its roots back to the vision of C.B. Stubblefield, affectionately known as "Stubb," who found his passion for barbeque while serving as a mess sergeant during the Korean War. In 1968, he fulfilled his dream of opening his own bar-b-q joint in Lubbock, TX, where locals and touring country and blues legends alike gathered to enjoy his delicious barbeque creations. After relocating to Austin, his friends and patrons urged him to share his mouthwatering signature sauce with the world.
Stubb took this advice to heart and began hand-bottling his sauce using old whiskey bottles and jam jars, sealing each one with a jalapeño for a personal touch. This was the birth of Stubb's legendary barbeque sauce. Today, although their bottling methods have evolved, Stubb's commitment to quality and craftsmanship remains unchanged. The company proudly carries forward Stubb's legacy by crafting sauces that capture the spirit of Texas barbeque, infusing every meal with a blend of bold and authentic flavors. Stubb took this advice to heart and began hand-bottling his sauce using old whiskey bottles and jam jars, sealing each one with a jalapeño for a personal touch. This was the birth of Stubb's legendary barbeque sauce. Today, although their bottling methods have evolved, Stubb's commitment to quality and craftsmanship remains unchanged. The company proudly carries forward Stubb's legacy by crafting sauces that capture the spirit of Texas barbeque, infusing every meal with a blend of bold and authentic flavors.