All the great salty, smokey, sweet flavor of bacon with the lean and slightly gamey flavor of lamb. Smoking Goose takes grass-fed lamb bellies and dresses them with sea salt, brown sugar, and maple sugar. After a few days in the dry cure, the lamb bellies are hot smoked over apple wood.
All Smoking Goose recipes begin on the farm. They carefully curate farm sources based on research, site visits, flavor, and personal relationships with farmers. THe base requirements for all Smoking Goose farm sources: Small Family Owned Farm, No factory Farms, No Gestation Pens, Antibiotic Free, 100% Vegetarian Feed, No Growth Promotants, Humanely Slaughtered. Source codes printed in the bottom right corner of each smoking goose package. To find out more about the farm please visit their
Raw Resource Sheet.
Ingredients: Lamb, Spices (Sea Salt, Cane Sugar, Brown Sugar, Maple Syrup), Vegetable Powder (Celery Juice, Sea Salt).