Martin Bournhonesque

Calçot Red Scallion

1 bunch
$5.58 / lb

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Calçot Red Scallion

Product Details

Approx. .5 lb per bunch

Calçots are a relatively bulb-less onion variety, widely consumed in Catalonia during their annual  Calçotada event. During the event, the onions are charred over an open flame, then wrapped in newspapers, which steams them and allows them to tenderize. The char and greens are removed and the succulent white portions of the plant are dipped in romesco sauce and accompanied by wine, bread, meat, beans and, for dessert, oranges and cava.

While we won't stop you from inviting some friends over for your own personal Calçotada, these onions are perfectly delicious used in other applications: sliced thinly raw into salads, as a replacement for scallions, roasted alongside root veggies, or grilled alongside sausages for a sweet and smokey topping.

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About The Producer

Martin Bournhonesque
Salinas, CA
Martin grows delicious chef-inspired produce in greenhouses in Salinas, CA.Read more