HomeMarketProduceNew & Peak SeasonJacobs Farm Organic & Fair Trade Untreated Kent Mango Trio (Mexico)

Jacobs Farm

Organic & Fair Trade Untreated Kent Mango Trio (Mexico)

3 count
$1.84 / lb

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Organic & Fair Trade Untreated Kent Mango Trio (Mexico)

Product Details

Approx. 2.4-3 lbs per trio
The Kent Mango has sweet, juicy flesh with limited fibers. The skin of the Kent is green and yellow with red blushing and will give slightly to gentle pressure when ripe.

These Mangos were grown by growers under the Del Cabo Cooperative. They were grown in the Baja California region, which is one of the only growing regions that the USDA doesn't require a quarantine for (since a certain fruit fly that exists in most mango growing regions around the world doesn't exist in that region). So, whereas almost all mangos undergo a hot water treatment before they can enter the US (placed in 115˚F for 65-110 minutes), which can negatively affect flavor and quality, these mangos are untreated, and you can taste the difference!

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About The Producer

Jacobs Farm
Pescadero, CA
Our mission is not only to grow great tasting, healthy food, but to grow it in a socially responsible and economically sustainable manner.Read more