Clover Sonoma
In the early 1900s the Petaluma Cooperative Creamery began distributing Clover Brand dairy products to stores and residential customers in the Petaluma, CA area. As Petaluma and the rest of Sonoma and Marin Counties continued to grow, so did the Co-op. Clover Brand products began showing up in nearly every store and household in the North Bay.
Sustainability is as much a part of our family farm's daily business as is dairying. Our farms have practiced sustainability on the same land for generations, and they know that for their land to remain viable for the next generation, it must be cared for today. That means working with the land and not fighting against it, fostering natural habitats, rotating crops, using excellent animal husbandry practices and being a good environmental steward by preventing waste runoff. Clover holds them to these high standards by evaluating them each year for our North Coast Excellence Certification program.
The cows that are raised on our family farms have a good life: open pasture with plenty of walking area, a diet of fresh grass, hay and grains, and clean bedding when they go to sleep. In addition to humane feeding and living conditions to sustain health and prevent sickness, our family farm’s cows must be free of antibiotics and hormones, such as rBST. These criteria are all evaluated by an independent inspector and approved by a third party before our family farms achieve the certifications required by Clover. Learn more here. But what this really means is our cows lead stress-free lives, producing an abundance of Clover milk, naturally.
Sustainability is as much a part of our family farm's daily business as is dairying. Our farms have practiced sustainability on the same land for generations, and they know that for their land to remain viable for the next generation, it must be cared for today. That means working with the land and not fighting against it, fostering natural habitats, rotating crops, using excellent animal husbandry practices and being a good environmental steward by preventing waste runoff. Clover holds them to these high standards by evaluating them each year for our North Coast Excellence Certification program.
The cows that are raised on our family farms have a good life: open pasture with plenty of walking area, a diet of fresh grass, hay and grains, and clean bedding when they go to sleep. In addition to humane feeding and living conditions to sustain health and prevent sickness, our family farm’s cows must be free of antibiotics and hormones, such as rBST. These criteria are all evaluated by an independent inspector and approved by a third party before our family farms achieve the certifications required by Clover. Learn more here. But what this really means is our cows lead stress-free lives, producing an abundance of Clover milk, naturally.