Veritable Vegetable

Organic Valencia Oranges

5 lb
$1.59 / lb

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Organic Valencia Oranges

Product Details

Approx. 10-12 oranges per 5 lb
This 5 lb bag will keep you with fresh orange juice every morning this week!

Valencias are the classic off-season citrus, grown in California when other varieties are dormant. They're sweet without too much acidity, making them great for juicing, slicing into salads, or cutting into wedges for a healthy snack.

When none of the farms we work with directly has Valencia Oranges, we work with our trusted distributor Veritable Vegetable to source the highest quality Organic Valencia Oranges in California. This week's Valencias are coming from Sespe Creek Organics in Venture County, CA.

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About The Producer

Veritable Vegetable
San Francisco, CA
Veritable Vegetable works hard to actively improve the sustainable food system by supporting organic farmers, increasing access to fresh produce, strengthening communities, and cultivating a fair and dynamic workplace. Read more