F.E.E.D. Sonoma

Organic Globe Eggplant

1 lb
$4.99 / lb

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Organic Globe Eggplant

Product Details

Approx. 2-3 eggplants per lb
The Globe Eggplant is classic summer veggie is versatile and tasty. Throw 'em on the grill, bake 'em or stew 'em up with some tomatoes and basil

Today's Organic Globe Eggplant were harvested at Russian River Organics in Healdsburg, CA.

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About The Producer

F.E.E.D. Sonoma
Sebastopol, CA
FEED Sonoma is West County's aggregator of fresh & delicious local products from over 30 farms. Purchasing from FEED means you are strengthening our food system and fueling our local economy. Thank you for supporting Sonoma County farmers!Read more