Rancho Meladuco Date Farm

Organic Grinder Medjool Dates

9 oz
Organic Grinder Medjool Dates

Product Details

Rancho Meladuco Organic Grinder Medjool Dates are a sustainable choice, helping to reduce food waste in the date industry. These dates, while imperfect in appearance, still offer the same deep, rich caramel and brown sugar flavors that make Rancho Meladuco Medjool dates so beloved. Perfect for blending, baking, or snacking, these dates provide a delicious and eco-friendly option for any kitchen. Enjoy the same exceptional taste and tender texture while supporting a more sustainable food system.

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About The Producer

Rancho Meladuco Date Farm
Newport Beach, CA
Rancho Meladuco grow and curate exceptionally delicious and tender California grown Medjool Dates. Read more