Good Land Organics

Organic Goldfinger Bananas

1 lb
$3.99 / lb

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Organic Goldfinger Bananas

Product Details

Approx. 4-6 bananas per lb

Goldfinger Bananas are not only excellent when fried into banana chips while they are still green, they are also great when eaten ripe! The ripe fruit doesn't turn black when sliced like traditional bananas you'd normally find, making them perfect for slicing and adding into salads or kids lunches.

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About The Producer

Good Land Organics
Our farm is located in the coastal foothills of Santa Barbara at an elevation of 650 feet with a comfortably warm, southern orientation. Our weather combined with our innovative organic growing techniques allows us to cultivate a wide range of out of the ordinary crops such as cherimoyas, finger limes, coffee and more.Read more