HomeMarketProduceFruitsFrom Our FarmersOrganic Large Intenza Papaya (Mexico)

From Our Farmers

Organic Large Intenza Papaya (Mexico)

1 count
$2.62 / lb

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Organic Large Intenza Papaya (Mexico)

Product Details

Approx. 2-2.5 lb per count

The orange flesh of the Intenza Papaya is firm, but juicy, with one of the sweetest and least acidic flavors of any papaya variety. Intenza Papayas are best eaten when it has ripened at room temperature until its green skin is spotted with yellow-orange highlights. Cut the ripe fruit lengthwise and scoop out the seeds, and cut the flesh for use in smoothies or fruit salads.

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To make sure you can always get the best produce available, we source fruits and veggies from many of our trusted farmers, and prioritize working with local producers as seasonality allows.Read more