Filigreen Farm
Filigreen Farm is situated on 97 acres in Anderson Valley, Mendocino County, California. It is a Demeter-certified Biodynamic and CCOF-certified organic diversified farm whose primary products are tree fruits, blueberries, olives, wine, and table grapes, and houses a production garden (flowers and vegetables), apiary, and an ongoing inquiry into water revitalization.
Filigreen is located on land once inhabited and managed by the Tabahtea Pomo First Peoples named after Taa-Bo-Tah, or Long Valley. Situated between a mixed coniferous forest of redwood and fir to the west and oak woodland to the east, Filigreen borrows from both climatic zones to house a diverse range of cultivars. Anderson Valley has a rich history of apple growers, however, Filigreen Farm is one of the few farms still growing apples for the market with more than seventy varieties under production and development.
The property includes orchards, vineyards, vegetable and flower gardens with large portions of the farm dedicated to natural spaces of forest and river habitat for native species. A conservation easement held by the Anderson Valley Land Trust ensures protection of the land to be used for organic and Biodynamic agriculture in perpetuity.
Chris and Stephanie Tebbutt, who now lead Filigreen Farm, ensure most inputs are sourced on-site and continually experiment with new cultivars, rootstocks, training methods, and nursery techniques that give the farm the independence it needs for intensive production. Year-round experimentation and research are core elements of the farm’s mission. Six other families participate in the working life of the farm, four of whom reside at Filigreen.