Caruso e Minini


750 ml

Product Details

750 ml, 13.5% abv
These grapes come from 5 hectares that are farmed organically and dedicated to Giovanna Caruso’s BIO project. Perricone is a varietal that is known for its rich red fruit mixed with notes of licorice and savory herbs. Super food friendly, this wine is great with anything from traditional pesto to charcuterie to cherry pie. For dinner, pair with meaty fish such as grilled swordfish or tuna.

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About The Producer

Caruso e Minini
Marsala, Sicily
Located on Sicily’s western-most coast near the town of Marsala, Caruso & Minini boasts a history that harks back to the late 1800’s when Antonio Caruso bought the land to grow grapes for the nearby Marsala factories. They now make unique indigenous varietal wines and have land devoted to organic farming.Read more