Sun Valley Floral Farms

Florist's Choice Hyacinth

1 bunch

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Florist's Choice Hyacinth

Product Details

Approx. 5 stems per bunch

Sun Valley Floral Farms proudly offers the Florist's Choice Hyacinth, cultivated through the expertise of seasoned growers employing cutting-edge techniques. Sun Valley Floral Farms meticulously selects only the finest Hyacinth bulbs, specifically chosen for their suitability as cut flowers, directly imported from Holland. Their dedication is to nurturing the fullest and most impressive blooms possible, resulting in each stem being lavishly adorned with 25-70 vibrant and fragrant florets. This attention to detail and quality ensures a breathtaking display that is perfect for any occasion.

Note: DO NOT cut the stems. The white area at the stem's base is part of the cored bulb, crucial for the hyacinth's water intake. Place your flowers in a clean vase with water and floral food to ensure they thrive. Keep them in a cool spot away from direct sunlight and drafts, and refresh the water as necessary to prolong their beauty.

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About The Producer

Sun Valley Floral Farms
Arcata, CA
Sun Valley Floral Farms, nestled in Arcata, California, amidst Humboldt County's ancient redwoods and the Pacific Ocean, specializes in premium fresh-cut flowers. Known for their bulb crops like tulips, lilies, and iris, Sun Valley provides a diverse range of high-quality, Rainforest Alliance-certified sustainable flowers with nationwide distribution.Read more